In Memoriam
Grandfather Leon Secatero

“Many people talk about seeing the other side. I know this was the other side. The things I saw on the other side were very beautiful. I saw the glass world, the crystal world, and many different colors of light. The Wind Walkers were able to use this. They used the colors of light – the energy vibrations — to heal.”
Native America Calling
Leon Secatero, Friend, and Global Teacher Passes
Headman of the Canoncito Band of Navajo, To’hajiilee, passed Sunday, September 28, 2008. Leon Secatero touched many people in his travels throughout his lifetime worldwide. His life began humbly on the land as a sheepherder and in his adult life took a direction that has impacted the world.
Leon spoke internationally about the 500 year calendar and the future of humanity. “A new beginning is about to happen. Go back to where the wisdom is, with our Elders and our ancestors. We must not lose the sacred knowledge that has been bestowed upon us, the five fingered ones. We are about to embark on the next 500 year cycle and we must heal as nations.”
Leon Secatero came into many people’s lives with love and grace in his heart. He taught to hundreds of thousands asking that we all, together as one, walk forward to do what is needed for our families and for one another. He simply asked in his last moments, that we all come together, leaving behind us feelings of negativity from the past, to allow your tears to clean away the sadness in our hearts, to walk into the future together as one nation, as one people, as one heart.
An advisor to the United Nations, founder of the Spiritual Elders of Mother Earth, co-creator of the Unity Ride, he consulted with medicine people globally and many organizations, including SEED, Sacred Earth Network, and Friends of Indigenous Elders. Recently, he supported the NM film industry in co-producing and narration of, S’odizin, the documentary with Grandfather Martin Martinez, and through the Talking Stick Film Festival.
His circle of friends and loved ones reaches far around the earth. Medicine men, Shamans in Central and South America, Siberia, Canada, Australia and beyond, he spoke and connected to world leaders and global persons of peace and prayer. All nations knew him and walked with him to bring hope and peace to the world. “Hope cannot be without peace”, Secatero said in one of his last meetings, “that’s all I want to leave the people. I want them to know there is hope and peace in this time. Now it is all up to you, as individuals, to make it happen.”
Leon Secatero, leaves his children Alvira, Orlando, Shawn and Renee, his many grandchildren, sisters, the tribal family members in Canoncito and all of his dear respected friends internationally to continue on, for all the people of mother earth as he truly loved each and everyone.