Victoria Hanchin

Victoria Hanchin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, visionary activist and Wholistic Psychotherapist for over 30 years, and the mother of two amazing sons. Also a transformational author, her writings serve as a bridge to connect ancient wisdom and modern science. Victoria’s work with several Indigenous Elders led to the surprising confirmation that the three converging rivers in the modern city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she lives and works, are connected to an ancient Mayan prophecy. This prophecy tells of humanity’s promised return to a state of unity and Oneness.

Since that surprising discovery, Victoria’s life has become an ongoing spiritual adventure into the realms of indigenous and shamanic wisdom, the significance of the ancient sacred site of the Serpent Mound in Ohio, and direct revelations from Nature teaching us Oneness. The power of these experiences compelled her to write a book, “The Seer and The Sayer: Revelations of the New Earth” (available on Victoria continues in service as a Mouthpiece for Mother Earth. And the adventure continues as well. Victoria hopes you will join her.