Devolution and the Supreme Court

I see the sacred destiny of the United States as becoming an increasingly inclusive, multicultural nation. It is not united by sameness, which is how fascist dictatorships operate, but through unity in diversity. Overall, I remain optimistic that: “The arc of the...

Sexual Politics During Apocalyptic Times

As a man, it is not appropriate for me to post #Me Too, as this hashtag is designated for women only; however, I do wholeheartedly support the movement of women to bring this issue out into the open and to educate the whole population, women and men, as to the extent...

The Real History of The Fourth Of July

My friend Harlan McKosato offers some insights on the 4th of July in his article, “Fourth of July Came and Went But Did We Educate the Youth?” He writes, I don’t think a lot of Americans, including Native Americans, even know the history of the Fourth of...