by Glenn Aparicio Parry | Jun 1, 2015
Victoria Hanchin is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, visionary activist and Wholistic Psychotherapist for over 30 years, and the mother of two amazing sons. Also a transformational author, her writings serve as a bridge to connect ancient wisdom and modern science....
by Glenn Aparicio Parry | Jun 1, 2015
Mark Burrows is professor for religion and literature at the University of Applied Sciences in Bochum, Germany. A writer and scholar with wide-ranging interests, his research focuses on mysticism and poetics with a special interest in theological literature of the...
by Glenn Aparicio Parry | Jun 1, 2015
In Memorium (1943-2018) Carole is an award-winning television and film producer/writer. She began her career working with her partner and husband, Bruce Hart, as one of the original writers of Sesame Street, for which she won her first Emmy. She also produced in...
by Glenn Aparicio Parry | Jun 1, 2015
Kennedy Hassett Braden is a founding board member of the Circle for Original Thinking, and the founder and creator of The Evolutionary Heart, a licensed coach and associate of HeartMath Institute, an Emissary of The Resonance Project Foundation and Academy, Peace...
by Glenn Aparicio Parry | Jun 1, 2015
Glenn Aparicio Parry, PhD, also given the name Kizhe Naabe (Ojibwe for “Kind-Hearted Man),” is a writer, educational consultant, international speaker, entrepreneur, and visionary whose life-long passion is to reform thinking and education into a coherent, cohesive...